I'm Ben, and I'm responsible for Nearly Noble

I run this for fun

I hike a lot, I’m unashamedly rural, and I’m particularly drawn to the faded glory of some of our country houses. Not so much palaces and treasure houses, but “minor” houses. Out of site, out of mind, but preserved almost everywhere.

This is a site for collecting facts and stories from the most ethereal.

Please! Get in touch.

Ben Howe Nearly Noble

I’m very much an amateur, running this for fun. RE: site content, I’ll take all the guidance I can get – so please don’t hesitate to drop me a personal line with suggestions, tips, anecdotes or corrections.

Find me on Twitter: @nearly_noble.

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It might not sound much, but £2 really helps. 

£2 from everyone who connects with something lets me offset the cost of putting this site together. 

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